Thermo Prisma Environmental-SEM

Thermo Prisma Environmental-SEM


B04a McCourtney


  • Control temperature, gas composition, and pressure (up to 4000pa) while observing the sample using EDS and electron imaging
  • Image samples that are traditionally difficult or impossible for SEM, such as hot, dirty, outgassing, wet or otherwise non-conductive samples

Typical Use

  • Materials characterization using electron and X-ray techniques on unknown materials, living cells, dirty/non-conductive/outgassing samples
  • Compositional mapping using ColorSEM to relate texture to composition
  • Observing and recording heating and cooling experiments in the micron to nano scale
  • Observing gas and sample interactions live under the microscope

Internal Hourly Rates

  • Unassisted: $47
  • Assisted: $88

External Hourly Rates 

  • Unassisted: $117
  • Assisted: $172

Instrument Availability 


An iLab account is required to view the availability calendar. For instructions on creating an account, click here.